An Overzealous Editor?

Deer Editor, 

I would like to submit a formal complaint regarding the volume of changes you routinely make to my article submissions. Frankly, I would like us to find a way (together) to nip this in the butt.

I say this because it's so very traumatic for me. Everytime I submit a new article, I find that you’ve have made so many changes by the time it’s published that I can barely recognize the words on the page. Buy in large, you seem to keep the essence of my work but use words and phrases that don’t make any cents.

For example, you ALWAYS change “irregardless” to “regardless”. 

Why?!? Irregardless is in the dictionary!

And why should something “fall by the wayside” when “waste side” is the actual term everyone uses? Just ask my mom.

Irregardless, I know I am an excellent writer. Case and point: I heard that you cried after reading my latest storey: “As We Weight With Baited Breath: A Sneak Peak At The New Widget 2.0”. 

I put so much effort into my writing, accept it’s all for knot when you wreck so much havoc. I know editors have free reign over the work they receive and I’m not adverse to some changes, but freelance writing is a doggy-dog-world. It’s tough and I’m struggling to make ends meat.

So, I have a preposition: let’s edit my next story together. That way, I can better understand why you change so much and then the affect of seeing the final peace won’t be so shocking to me. Who noes? This might even give me the opportunity to teach you a couple phrases that reel people use every day. 

I hope you’ll except my offer and are invested as I am in farthering this relationship.

Best regards,

Whimfield P. Blissfullrocker