Welcome to my blog. Here, I capture examples of the work I’ve done in my Public Relations career. It also helps keep my writing skills sharp. I hope you enjoy the content. Drop me a line if you have a question about anything you find here.
For something slightly less formal/serious, check-out this page.
I happened to read two articles on Corporate Social Responsibility recently that got me thinking. In this post, I outline my perspective on CSR and corporate purpose.
Over the course of my career in Public Relations I've been involved in many examples of the RFP process, both as an employee issuing them and a consultant submitting a proposal.
As a freelancer, you’re always on the hunt for work. Sometimes that search will unearth some real gems…
An executive I worked with used to challenge the marketing and public relations teams to find the “red thread” that ties multiple communications vehicles together.
This week is the opening of the Salon de l’Auto in Montreal, the symbolic start of the auto show season for the Canadian automotive industry. I love the city and the show, and have been many times. But, here is the story of one year that I will never forget.
In many ways, proactive media relations in the auto industry can (at times) become formulaic. Here’s a story of when my team and I went against conventional sector practice and tried something different.
I attended a conference recently that handed out loot bags filled with branded trinkets. It made me wonder: What was the return on that spend?
Not literally, of course. More just to help with perspective. It’s easy to forget how important this step can be when you’re in the thick of planning and logistics.
The retail sector in general is going through an evolution. And the changes affecting how consumer goods are purchased is also impacting customer expectations when they go searching for a new vehicle. By quite a bit.
Let’s have a look at two of the factors I find most interesting that are come with the electrification of the automobile…
I thought I would try to capture some of things the auto industry is working through. There’s a lot going on, so I will break it up into pieces in order to go deeper into each topic.
Who among us hasn’t descended into the depths of Internet commentary? Here’s what I do with them when I’m planning a communications campaign.
Some of my most creative ideas have come to me while exercising. Anyone else?
When I first started in this business, and people asked me what I did for a living, I often took the road to an easy answer: I work with journalists. It’s just not that simple anymore, so I’ve stopped.
I rolled the dice. And lost.
This kind of thing happens when you plan a launch event; sometimes the best play works against you. But maybe I should have known better.
A healthy reminder how much a dedication to customer service can impact a brand’s reputation.
What I’ve picked-up recently from the never-ending education in communications that is fatherhood…
Quite a few sponsorship requests have landed in my inbox over my career. I looked at every one of them and here’s what I noticed.
Answering why a customer should consider your brand can be as effective as communicating what you offer.
A handful of resources to help you up your social media storytelling game…
Okay, so maybe I’ve made more than one mistake, but this is the story of the first big one in my career.
I agonize on which word to use in my copywriting. I also (politely) harp on word choice in other pieces of writing that I review. People began to call me “Dr. Words”. Here's the backstory.
My thinking on speeches has evolved dramatically since I first started writing them. Here are some resources to help make your next speech even better than the last.
Turning highly technical or complex content into a conversation for a target audience or the general public. Easier said than done? Well… yes. Yes it is.
When you come to market with a different technology, it creates a multitude of communications possibilities. This was exactly what happened when we launched a #hydrogen vehicle. While the volumes were small, the key was articulating the technology's capabilities and why it might be a better solution to battery electric or petrol vehicles, without disparaging either.
The story of one of the biggest launches I worked on measured not by the volume of vehicles, but by the significance of the event.