How to Launch After a Budget Cut

We’ve all been there. Deep into the planning phase of a launch, some unforeseen factor that affects the organization has lead to a budget cut. It really doesn’t matter how much, the impact is enough to threaten success.

How to Launch After a Budget Cut

Complicating matters, in today’s work culture, everyone is expected to do more with less. You still need to hit your numbers, but now with less resources at your disposal.

No appeals. No compromises.

Cue the hand-wringing.

I was fortunate enough to work for two organizations that had to contend with broad, deep budget cuts over an extended period. I say “fortunate” because the experience forced me to learn how to pivot, get creative, and focus. REALLY focus.

It also changed how I view budget cuts.

To be clear, no one likes running a project after the purse strings get tightened. For those that are passionate about their roles, a budget cut can risk dampening spirits. After all, you’ve put in both time and energy to the point you’re now emotionally invested.

But, when the inevitable does happen, there is a silver lining. A smaller budget often leads to greater strategic clarity: How can I use this budget to do something the organization has never tried before? What is absolutely essential to achieving the objective?

Honestly ask yourself that question and, rather quickly, your perspective changes; it transitions from seeing financial restrictions as a challenge to an opportunity.

It’s powerful enough that you may find yourself more excited about this new idea.